Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cell Model Project

Here is the letter and rubric I sent home yesterday. The project is due in a week and a half from now.
Mr. Arnold

Don’t Throw Away!
Project due on Friday, September 7th.
Dear Students and Parents,
                It is time for our first project of the year.  In Science class we are studying cells. So, the assignment is to build a model of a plant cell or an animal cell. Feel free to get creative here. In the past we have had clay models, cakes, cookies, foam board, bags of corn syrup, etc. First, you must choose whether you want to make a plant cell or an animal cell. Then build a model that includes the following parts: Animal cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, vacuole, and mitochondria) or Plant cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, cell wall, vacuole and chloroplast). Label all of the parts clearly and accurately. Below is a simple rubric that I will use to grade the projects.
                Have fun with this, Mr. Arnold

Building A Structure : Cell Model

Teacher Name: Mr. Arnold

Student Name:     ________________________________________

Cell parts labeled ( x 3 )
All cell parts included and labeled correctly
Most cell parts included and labeled correctly
Some cell parts included and labeled correctly
Few cell parts included and labeled correctly
Neat and Understandable ( x 2 )
Model is very neat and understandable
Model is neat and understandable
Model is fairly neat and understandable
Model is not neat and understandable

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