Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Warren Math:
  • Writing Expressions test next Tuesday.  Please use the workbook pages 7-13 for help.
  • If you were out in the hall with Mr. Dillard working on PEMDAS please complete the worksheet for homework that I gave you on writing expressions.
  • If you did not pass the PEMDAS test last week, the retest will be next Tuesday.  Please use the blog for extra practice.

  • Find a quote from the book you are reading that is an example of imagery.  Please add it to your reader's notebook.  Be sure to use quotation marks and list the title and page number of where you found it.
Study for Cell Parts Test on Friday.

Arnold Math:
  • Math workbook pages 10 and 11.

  • Read and be ready to explain one of the first 10 amendments (Bill of Rights) to the Constitution.
  • Be able to tell me two different sources you used.

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