Monday, August 20, 2012


Warren Math:
  • Continued to work on PEMDAS including problems with brackets and braces and exponents.
  • Please visit the blog to practice PEMDAS problems under the Math Page:)  15 min.
  • PEMDAS Quiz Wed.
  • Finish pg 4 - 5 in wkbk if you have not already.
  • Introduce Text Features
  • Find three super amazing vocab words in your reading tonight and bring in ready to share tomorrow.
  • Library day tomorrow:)
Social Studies:
  • Began our study of the Civil War using textbook and gathered research from students.
  • Read for comprehension pg. 54 - 59.
  • Students are finishing their "I Am" poems
  • Students are applying their knowledge about comma rules
  • Students should be reviewing their "Comma Sense" graphic organizers

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