Friday, August 17, 2012


Warren Math: MAP testing

  • Introduced Genre descriptions
  • Finished organizing reader's notebook
  • Remember Scholastic Book Orders are due next Wed. the 22nd.  Please order on line if at all possible.  These are completely optional but they do earn free books for our classroom!  Yippee!
Social Studies:
  • Shared facts about civil war
  • Over the weekend, please PREVIEW pages 52 - 77.  Remember preview means look for highlighted words and phrases, look at the text features (ex: pictures and their captions), review the time lines at the start of each lesson, etc.  This does NOT mean you have to read the entire selection. This should not take more than 7 minutes:)
Joiner LA:
We are currently catching our breath from all of the beginning of the school chaos. MAP testing is over and we have started working on using Voice in our writing and learning "Comma Rules." I will soon have your emails loaded, so I will be able to send notifications as to when we will have an assessment on commas.

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